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Methods of line adjustment

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Find match vs. Tie Lines

There are two methods of strip adjustment in TerraMatch, Find Match and Tie Lines. The methods are compared in the following table.

Find Match

Tie Lines

Tool Find Match

Tool Find Fluctuations

Tool Find Tie Line Match

Tool Find Tie Line Fluctuations

Surface-to-surface matching

Feature-to-feature matching

Only one type of observation

Several types of observations

More time consuming adjustment

Less time consuming adjustment

New (better) observations for each iteration

Old observations included for each iteration

No manual observations

Manual observations possible

Input data

trajectories with time stamp

laser points linked to trajectories and classified into ground (and optional buildings) per strip

(optional) ground control points

trajectories with time stamp

tie lines derived from laser points, linked to trajectories by time stamp

(optional) ground control points

Solvable parameters

easting, northing, elevations shifts

heading, roll, pitch shifts

mirror scale

easting, northing, elevations drifts

heading, roll, pitch drifts

fluctuating elevation

easting, northing, elevations shifts

heading, roll, pitch shifts

mirror scale

fluctuating easting/northing, elevation, heading, roll, pitch


triangulated model from each strip surface

compares overlapping laser points and ground control points against this surface

translates observed difference and gradient to heading, roll, pitch, elevation difference

surface/section lines - follow direction of a surface

ground lines/points - located on paint markings

roof intersection lines - located at an intersection of two roof surfaces

known lines/points - located at known point locations

TerraMatch User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd