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File formats / LAS formats

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File formats / LAS formats

LAS formats category in File formats folder defines the bit depth of color values in LAS files. The setting can be used to read LAS files with incorrectly stored color values.



Bit depth

Bit depth of color values in the LAS file:

Correct 16 bits - color values are stored as 16 bit values. This is the correct value according to the LAS standard format definition.

Low 12 bits - color values are stored as 12 bit values.

Low 8 bits - color values are stored as 8 bit values.

Check bit depth in 'Read points'

If on, the software checks color bit depth when reading LAS files. If all color values are between 0-255 (8 bit values), it automatically scales the color values to proper 16 bit values.

Set the value to Low 8 bits or Low 12 bits if your read or import LAS files with incorrect color values. Set the value to Correct 16 bits in order to store color values correctly. Switch on the Check bit depth in 'Read points' option in order to enable automatic scaling of color values.

TerraScan User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd