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TerraPhoto User Guide

Navigation: Project Workflow > Examples: Airborne orthorectification projects

Maximum effort project strategy

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Maximum effort project strategy

This workflow outline is based on the following conditions:

You want to produce the best possible positional accuracy for the orthophotos.

Image timing is accurate.

Raw positioning is decent but not necessarily the highest accuracy.

Some of the camera parameters are unknown or inaccurate for the project.

Seamlines and coloring changes are not acceptable in the final orthophotos.

1. Start Compute feature points command with TerraBatch.

2. Create a TerraPhoto camera calibration file using known values from a previous calibration.

3. Define a mission with New mission command.

4. Import trajectories using Manage Camera Trajectories tool.

5. Create an image list with Compute list command.


4. Define an exterior orientation file format in Exterior orientation formats of TerraPhoto Settings.

5. Create an image list by importing exterior orientation files with Load list command.

If you use data from a Pictometry system, the camera calibration files, the mission file, and the image list can be created automatically by importing the Pictometry survey file. See Import Pictometry Survey command.

6. Create thumbnail versions of raw images with Create thumbnails command.

7. Use Define color corrections command to check the overall coloring of the raw images and apply color adjustments if necessary.

8. Enter enough tie points with Define tie points command to validate and fine tune camera parameters. This part of the workflow is described in detail in Section Adjust camera parameters for airborne projects.

9. Import feature points created in step 1. Validate and improve the tie points. This part of the workflow is described in detail in Section Adjust relative image positions for airborne projects.

10. Produce an adjusted image list with Adjust positions command. You would typically adjust heading, roll, and pitch angles of each image in the list.

11. Check the image list against control points. Apply an xy transformation if necessary. This part of the workflow is described in detail in Section Adjust absolute image positions for airborne projects.

12. Create color points with Search points command from the Color points menu to balance color differences between neighboring raw images.

13. Modify seamlines between neighboring images with commands from the Color points menu.

14. Create tile rectangles with Place tile array command.

15. Run orthorectification with Rectify mosaic command using the adjusted image list, color points, and seamline shapes.

TerraPhoto User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd