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Exterior orientation formats

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Exterior orientation formats

Exterior orientation formats category lets you define formats for importing exterior orientation information from text files. The format definition determines the order of the attributes that are stored in the text file, the delimiter that separates attribute fields, and possibly a character which marks comment lines.

A new format can be defined by using the Add button in the TerraPhoto Settings dialog. An existing format is modified by selecting the format and using the Edit button. A data click on the Delete button deletes a selected format.

You can load an example text file by using the Load example command from the File pulldown menu. With the commands from the View pulldown menu the dialog can be re-sized to enable the import of text files with 8 fields, 10 fields, 15 fields or 20 fields.




Format name

Descriptive name for the exterior orientation format.


Character used to separate attribute fields in the text file: Space, Tabulator, Comma, or Semicolon.

Comment char

Character that introduces a comment in the text file. Lines beginning with this character are ignored when information is read from the text file.

No field

Selection of what attribute is stored in the field:

No field - no field definition.

Ignore - the column in the text file is ignored.

Image name - names of images.

Image number - numbers of images.

Time - time stamps of image positions.

Easting, Northing, Elevation - X, Y, Z coordinates of image positions.

Heading, Roll, Pitch - misalignment angles of images.

Omega, Phi, Kappa - orientation angles of images.

TerraPhoto User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd